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New Feature: LT1 (First Lactate Threshold)

New Feature: LT1 (First Lactate Threshold)

Firstperformance adds a new function: the automatic determination of LT1, or the first Lactate Threshold. It is able to obtain this “zone” with all protocols, therefore both with Test LA, and with Test CP, and with Test Ramp. The acronym LT1 stands for “Lactate threshold one”, i.e. the minimum intensity at which there is an appreciable increase in blood lactate values compared to baseline. This zone is often (not always) located within Z2 (in the 7-zone model); it has a further strong correlation with the first ventilatory threshold VT1 (threshold which indicates the transition from a purely lipid metabolism to a mixed one), and with the FATmax (zone of maximum lipid oxidation). Knowing this intensity range is fundamental to building a solid aerobic base.

Conoscere questo range di intensità è fondamentale per costruire una solida base aerobica.

LT1 is obtained through the Lactate Test (LA Test), a dual channel VO2/VCO2 Metabolimeter which analyzes the breath during the test may also be useful; However, Firstperformance manages to obtain the data precisely also through indirect methods, therefore through Critical Power Test (CP Test) and Incremental Test (Ramp Test).